Cut-thru to Gloucester Green - Thurs, Aug 21st


Started the day re-rinsing the laundry we'd done yesterday.  The detergent is very fragrant and neither of us could handle it.  Didn't find out until this morning since we dry laundry on racks in the dormer room here - at their request to not run the electric dryers that cost so much.


Again went out and about walking and found a new pathway from the Westover Shopping Centre near us to the Gloucester Green bus station.  There are so many tourists around right now that walking through the city centre down Cornmarket is very crowded and slow.  This alley is something we'd certainly NOT want to do at night - because it is so narrow and the walls are so high.  So, Jim took a video of me walking through with all the twists and turns and various uneven pavement.


The path is called Bulwarks Lane. 


Pat walking short cause to Clouchester Green narrated2 from James Sandefur on Vimeo.